

Our research into the next life started when our son Alexander passed away when he was 11 years old. We hope that this website can help parents who experienced a similar tragedy.

The slides (on left side) give an extraordinary insight into how children, who had Near Death Experiences (N.D.E.) tried to explain their experience both in words "I saw the sun and it had a happy face" and in drawings. {To slow down the slideshow, place your mouse cursor over a slide, black arrows (next,back) will appear and you can manually navigate through the slideshow}

It is almost impossible to put into words what the NDE survivor experiences so to explain the abstract with a concrete example is given by a person who had an NDE.  She said: “Imagine there is a huge warehouse, which is dark, and you live in this warehouse with one flashlight. Everything you know about this warehouse is seen through the light of this one small flashlight. Whenever you want to look for something, you may or may not find it, but it does not mean the thing does not exist. It is there, but you just haven't flashed your light on it. You can only see what your light is focused on. Then one day, someone flicks on a light switch, and for the first time, you can see the whole warehouse. The vastness of it is almost overwhelming, you can't see all the way to the end, and you know there is more than what you can see. But you do see how all the products are lined up on all the shelves, and you notice just how many different things there are in the warehouse which you never noticed. Then, even when the light switch goes back off, nothing can take away the understanding and clarity of your experience”.

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Marc and Helen Vloeberghs
Author's name: Maxwell Alexander
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Books : Christianity Renewed Volume 1-2 and 3


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Introduction: The intersection of science and faith

A number of scientists as for example Dr Eben Alexander (neuro-surgeon) and Dr Mary Neal spine-surgeon) were extremely sceptical about NDE's but after their own NDE experience they changed completely.

Dr Melvin Morse and Dr Long have documented hundreds of NDE's.

More and more scientists believe now that consciousness survives after the death of the brain.

This means that the brain is only a transmission station between consciousness and our body.

Similar concepts are also found in many religions The Divine Messengers, founders of religion speak about the human spirit or the soul which survives death.

In the past the Divine Messengers have spoken very little about the human soul because man was not ready to understand.

Jesus doesn't speak much about the soul. Also in Islam there is only one verse in the Quran about the soul; Muhammad says "Tell the people that the soul comes from the command of God. That's all it says.

The Baha'i Writings and the human soul (from Wikipedia)

But today because man is destined to come of age, to grow up, and because of the greatness of the Revelation of Baha'u'llah, we are so lucky that He has revealed to us so much about the soul.

The Bahá'í Faith affirms that "the soul is a sign of God, a heavenly gem whose reality the most learned of men hath failed to grasp, and whose mystery no mind, however acute, can ever hope to unravel.[29] Bahá'u'lláh stated that the soul not only continues to live after the physical death of the human body, but is, in fact, immortal.[30] Heaven can be seen partly as the soul's state of nearness to God; and hell as a state of remoteness from God. Each state follows as a natural consequence of individual efforts, or the lack thereof, to develop spiritually.[31] Bahá'u'lláh taught that individuals have no existence prior to their life here on earth and the soul's evolution is always towards God and away from the material world.[31]

Qualities of the soul (Adapted by permission from a talk by Mr Addib Taherzadeh)

To understand a bit about the qualities of the soul we can look at nature. The world of nature and the world of spirit are one. God has not created two different worlds, the physical world separate from the spiritual world. No, they are one entity. All of God's creation is one entity. Therefore the laws that govern the physical world as we know it, the same laws are applied in the spiritual world. The same law that is in nature you will find it in the world of man. The same laws of nature you will find in Religion. All the teachings of God you will find a counterpart in nature. Everything you see in nature is a shadow of something spiritual. It is a counterpart of something far greater than what you see in this life. You see for example a tree, it is a shadow of something in the spiritual world. For everything there is in this life there must be counterparts in the next life. You should not think of it as a place, this world and the next which is a spiritual world. The spiritual worlds are infinite in their range. Creation is never finite, never limited, it is infinite in range. We know as Baha'is that the universe has no beginning and no end to it, either in time or in space. Anything that is God's creation will never stop, there is no such thing as nothing. As long as God existed this creation existed. It is a beginning which has no beginning and an end which has no end, both in time and space.

The counterpart of the soul in this world is the embryo

We want to know what the soul is, and we cannot understand it. If we can find something in this life which is the counterpart we can find out some of the characteristics of it. We can find out from the Writings of `Abdu'l-Baha that the counterpart of the soul in this physcial life is the embryo which is growing in the womb world. We know almost everything about the embryo. It begins with one cell, and we notice that cell has a capacity to multiply itself in a certain way and eventually becomes a perfect human being at the end of nine months. The soul is the same, when it comes to us at the time of conception it has no qualities, no attributes, no knowledge, no virtures, but it can acquire them in this life. The only souls which do not have to acquire all these qualities are the Manifestations of God. This is the difference, when They are born They have all the knowledge, They did not have to acquire it. This is because Their soul has no beginning. Of course our soul has a beginning.

What is the purpose of the embryo?

Now we will see an important similarity. What is the purpose of the cell growing in the mother? The purpose is that it may grow and acquire limbs and organs. The same thing is with the soul that it may acquire spiritual qualities. It may acquire knowledge, wisdom and all the other virtues which takes a lifetime.Other similarities are that the embryo growing in the womb of the mother, this is not its place for eternity, it is for a very short period of time, only nine months, it is only temporary. The purpose of this growing in the womb of the mother is to prepare for this life, to be born here, that is why it is growing there. That is its purpose. It is the same thing with the soul. This world which we are attached to so much is not our home, it is only a transitory thing, it is only for a short period. We have to pass from here.

The difference between embryo and the soul is that man has free will

The laws of the physical world and the spiritual world are the same, but when you apply the law on a higher level something is added to it which is not to be found on a lower level. For example you will find a child will grow in the womb of the mother without any control, it cannot have any say in it, it is involuntary growth. It is subject to the laws of nature. But that same law when you apply it to the soul which is on a higher level, you see that man has control over himself, he has free will. He can choose to acquire good qualities or not. The choice of free will has not been given to the lower world of nature, but it has been given to us. So you can become a good man or a bad man. You notice other similarities.

The embryo recieves help

You find that when the embryo is growing in the world of the mother it will receive help from outside without even knowing it. It receives help from its mother and father who love it, from the doctors and nurses, the whole society. The same is in this life. All we do in this life is through the positive influence of the Holy Souls who are in the next life. They are assisting us, enabling us to grow spiritually, if we want to. The `if’ is the free will that God has given us. They cannot help us if we do not wish to acquire these qualities and perfections.

Soultalk2 (Continue)

Where do I come from? (under construction)

The soul comes from the spiritual worlds of God. Therefore it is a stranger when it comes to this world. We are told in the Writings that the soul is created at the time of our conception. At the same time that the first cell is formed in the womb of the mother, at that very instant the soul comes into existence. Our soul did not exist before, in the same way that that cell in the womb did not exist before. The soul, being exaltd above entry or exit, ascent or descent, cannot be physically placed inside a body or have any connection with material things. We are also told that the soul is not in the body, because the soul is a spiritual entity. You cannot explain its spiritual reality into words. But words are all that we have to understand it. They just stimulate our mind. But we must understand that a spiritual thing cannot go into a material thing. Only a material thing can go into another material thing. So that means that our soul does not go into our body, it is only associated with it. `Abdu'l-Baha has given us an example. He says that the relationship of the soul with the body is like the relationship of the light with the mirror. When you look in the mirror you see the light, but the light is not really inside the mirror. If you want to put your hand into the mirror and get the light out you cannot do it, it is only a relationship. If you break the mirror the light is not affected. The light is somewhere else, but it appears in the mirror. This is like our soul.

When a child is born, it brings with it all that it has. All that it has acquired in the womb of the mother it brings with it. It does not leave anything behind. Now when you are born it is the time to start to acquire qualities and virture. The same thing is with the soul.



    More and more scientists have come to the conclusion that after the brain dies consciousness survives.

    This conclusion is paradigm smashing for NDE skeptics who believe that limited brain functioning is only the final gasps of a dying brain, that hallucinates or creates a dream-like state. Many doctors who studied hundreds of NDE cases have refuted this argument explaining that an NDE experience cannot be fragments of dying brain as their observations are highly-organized, highly-lucid after they have been pronounced clinically dead. They are not dream-like or hallucinations. In fact these observations often include things that would be impossible for them to know. For example, they can see the tops of buildings. They can see far away. They described the surgical instruments that doctors used as well as the conversations.


    Perhaps the most compelling cases that prove an afterlife involves blind people describing highly visual events during their NDE. (see video 1)


    Doctors were astonished to hear the stories of children who died and were resuscitated. (Video 2) .Their experiences were in many aspects similar to what adults experienced.


    We also included a video of a renowned neurosurgeon (Harvard university) who didn't believe in afterlife but after his own N.D.E. changed completely. Now he is totally convinced that he was wrong and that indeed consciousness does continue after the brain has died.

    My wife Helen and I are members of the Baha'i Faith. We found consolation in the Writings of Baha'u'llah which has an amazing amount of information to impart about the reality that awaits us after death.It is a vision that offers consolation, as well as a power to invigorate our lives here and now because it explains the relevance of our performance in this life to what we will experience in the continuation of our lives beyond physical reality.

    This world is the womb world of the life to come

    For example, the Bahá'í Writings assert that the principal importance of this life is that it prepares us for that next stage of our existence.In the same way that our gestation in the womb prepares us for participation in this life, so this life prepares us for entrance into the spiritual realm.You could say that this world is the womb world of the life to come.Therefore, our experience in the physical world is not an end in itself.It is a period of preparation for our further growth and development beyond this life.

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 Alex Newspaper

This website is dedicated to our youngest son Alexander who passed away on 4th November, 1996 at 11 years and 11 month old. He has abandoned this mortal life and has flown to the spiritual world.... Alexander and my wife Helen are gifted poets and we included their poems on this website (see menu: poems)